AccountEdge Network Edition for Mac - 2010
AccountEdge Network Edition for Mac - 2010 [UB]
MacOSX | 46.38MB

AccountEdge Network Edition is virtually identical to its sister product, AccountEdge, except it is optimized for use over a Mac OS X network. If more than one person needs simultaneous access to your company file, then AccountEdge Network Edition is the perfect solution for your company.

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New for 2010

Sell your products, online
EnStore is a web store that allows you to sell your products online. Hosted and affordable, it is simple to set up, and comes with several beautiful store templates. Manage your products in AccountEdge, adding pictures and descriptions. Then sync with EnStore and you are ready to sell, online. Screenshot. Learn more.

More ways to track information about your items
The introduction of EnStore brings a wealth of new item details you can keep, whether you have a web store or not. Track the weight of an item in pounds or kilograms, and associate a brand with an item. Attach up to three images to an item, which can be synced with your web store. User definable tags help to further organize your items. See it in action.

Find your profits on a sale, as you make it
Quickly learn the profitability of a sale with the Show Profit Analysis button. It shows gross profit, margin, and cost of each item you are selling and for the entire invoice. Change the price per unit to see how it affects your margin and profitability. You can show profit analysis from an order, quote, or an invoice. See it in action.

Auto Update
Auto update automatically checks for any new software and payroll updates. Screenshot.

Backup in .zip format
Backup your file in .zip format to share your file with Windows users.

Sort columns in bank rec window
Enhanced usability in the bank reconciliation window allows for sorting of all columns. Sort
by check #, date, payee, deposit and withdrawal amounts to quickly find a check. See it in action.

Print bank deposit slips
The new Prepare Bank Deposit window will save you time by printing out your bank deposit slips, while taking into consideration cash back on deposits, total cash, total checks, and number of items deposited. Purchase accompanying deposit slips that come pre-printed with your account information, and take your deposit slips right to the bank. See it in action.

Easier commission calculation
Improved Customer Payments by Salesperson report: add invoice number and invoice date fields to assist with calculating commissions. Screenshot.

Gross pay on pay checks
Add gross pay and year-to-date gross pay on pay stubs and pay checks.

List searching improvements
Search with more speed and more efficiency on 'select from' lists, such as when choosing a customer when filling out an invoice. When creating a sale, purchase, or working in the sales and purchases registers, adding the Starts With or Contains modifier to your search will help you find what you're looking for faster. Screenshot.

New welcome window brings better usability
The welcome window comes with a new design that makes it easier to open your company file with the new Open Last file function. Open Last displays the last company file you opened, allowing you to start working with a single click. The new welcome window also lets you quit AccountEdge with the Command+Q short cut.

New payroll report
Track the number of hours worked for hourly wage categories with the Payroll Activity Detail report.
New payroll tax update tools
Better tools for managing payroll tax updates, including notification of new tax tables.
Improved sales tax reporting
Sales Tax Reports provide a grand total for sales and purchases across all tax codes.
Better forms typography
Set a default font and font size for forms.

Download links:
Folder Link


Pear Note 1.4.1 | Mac OS X | 4MB
Pear Note integrates audio, video, and slides with traditional text notes. By recording all activity, Pear Note keeps track of what’s going on while taking notes as well as what the user has to say about it. This makes Pear Note incredibly useful for important meetings, class settings, or speeches.

Pear Note records audio, video, and what the user does, including typing notes and changing slides, on a timeline. Since keystrokes and slide changes are kept on this timeline, users can easily find what was being said during typing or a particular slide. They can play back an entire recording to recreate a meeting, or jump straight to the point in the audio they care most about.

Searching Instead of Organizing
With Pear Note, there’s no need to manually organize notes to find them. Users simply bring up search and start typing, and the note they’re looking for will pop right up. There’s no need to manually sort notes into folders or categories. Pear Note finds notes transparently so they don’t have to go looking.

Version 1.4.1:
* Handle errors when recording more gracefully, including automatically restarting recording where appropriate
* Improved ease of entering license code when Pear Note expires
* Added menu item to forget all slide changes
* Fixed crash that could occur when Pear Note trial expires

* Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
